A Collect: To the God of Middle-Age Marriage

Oh God of marriage

When CPAP machines and spare tires

Anti-depressants and antacids are abundant

But svelte bodies and hot date nights are not

May you never cease to smile down upon the comfort

of known glances, inside jokes,

And stifled laughter at toots undercover

While the other is sound asleep.

When annoyances run high

And he finishes my run-on sentences incorrectly

But the smell of his chest still brings me back to firsts,

Give us grace.

Be ever-present in our parenting

Messed-up as it may be.

Cover our bills when the surprises

Stretch the account too far.

In all things we offer our feeble thanks and praise,

To Thee, God the Father,

Jesus his Son,

And the ever-present Holy Spirit.



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